clay artist | printmaker | educator

Author: tatiana b

  • Holding Cell, De Beauvoir Residency, 2015

    Holding Cell, De Beauvoir Residency, 2015

    The online camera was installed in a shed in a Dalston flat where artists made work for a week negotiating working hours with the hosts. Reacting on the corner camera this project reenacts in child-scale experience of being held in a police station cell after Tower Hamelts arrest of 287 in 2013.

  • Walk though the sites of revolutionary thinking

    With kind support from Pushkin House. Programme curated by Elena Zaytseva. November 2013 “Tatiana Baskakova invites you to join her on a walk though the sites formerly inhabited by Russian revolutionaries. Figures like Kropotkin, Kollontai, Lenin, Trotsky, Herzen and others chose London as their place to organize and publish more than a century ago. Based…

  • Lecture about Lenin

    Lecture about Lenin is a site-specific performance and sculpture work made for presentation in the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, the lobby of its London office. The 15 minute speech focused on the difficulty of the representation of the revolutionary and actuality of his image in relation to today’s world. The project was documented…

  • Invigilator’s revolt

    25 Aipril – 26 July 2011, GCCC Moscow, intervention. The project was carried out in the Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture in Moscow where Tatiana Baskakova held a position of an invigilator from 25th Aipril till 26th July 2011. In this three-month performance matters of institutional critique coincide with practice of experimental exploration of Russian…